Roselle Sauce Recipe | Roselle Chutney | Roselle Flower Recipe | Rosella Recipe
A sweet, sour and spicy flavored sauce made with roselle flowers is always a hit at my home due to it’s sweet, tangy crisp tart berry and rhubarb taste. This sauce can be served as a condiment with a savoury dish, they also add rich fruity sweetness in sweet dishes.
You can combine with sugar to produce a delicate light flavor. Roselle compliments allspice, cumin powder, clove, ginger, cinnamon, orange, honey, paprika, etc.
The flower looks like a small hibiscus. You can make roselle tea, roselle flower chutney, jam, jelly, roselle drink, etc.
You can eat them raw in salads or can be cooked with other leafy vegetables and meats. Roselle is used as a culinary ingredient as a natural food coloring and a medicinal herb, specifically for heart health. It can be used to treat colds, hypertension, poor blood circulation, even for hangover relief. It is actually considered as a powerhouse of vitamins, the leaves, stem flowers are also rich in essential minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron.
Native to India and Malaysia, is now grown in many countries. In India, it grows in Himachal, Uttarakhand and in some parts of North Eastern states. Usually grown annually and propagated from seed. It grows best in loamy, well-drained soil, mainly in the tropical climate.

500-gram fresh roselle flowers
½ cup of sugar
1 cinnamon stick (half an inch)
1 fresh red chili
½ tsp. Black salt
1 tsp.roasted cumin powder
2 tbsp. Apple cider vinegar
2 cup of water
Wash the flowers carefully and drain the excess water.
In a large pot put the water and the flower and boil it on high heat for 10 minutes.
Reduce the heat to medium heat and add the rest of the ingredients and let it cook for 5 minutes.
Occasionally keep stirring till the time you get the pulpy texture, making sure the seeds don’t break.
Once the sauce starts thickening remove from heat and let it cool.
Strain the sauce to get a smooth sauce and discard seeds.
Transfer the sauce into a glass jar and store it in a refrigerator and use it when required.